介系詞 Prepositions
介系詞在所謂的介系詞片語結構中其後幾乎都是跟隨著介系詞的受詞。介系詞片語中通常也包括介系詞與受詞之間的修飾語:behind the incredibly expensive desk, after the long, tedious class。若干介系詞除了指出時間或空間外還有其他功能 -- "My brother is like my father." "Everyone in the class except me got the answer." -- 但他們幾乎都是以某種方式來做修飾用。介系詞片語也可能做為名詞 -- "During a church service is not a good time to discuss picnic plans." 或 "In the South Pacific is where I long to be." -- 但這在正式或學術文章的寫作中並不適當。
about above across after against around at before behind below beneath beside besides between beyond | by down during except for from in inside into like near of off | on out outside over since through throughout till to toward under up upon with without | according to because of by way of in addition to in front of in place of in regard to in spite of instead of on account of out of |
你 可能已學過將介系詞置於句末係嚴重違反文法規則。這項「謬誤」很容易被發現! 雖然我們通常可以輕易地來改正這個「違法」的介系詞,但將介系詞置於句末,實則為英語成語之特徵;有時故意避免句末的介系詞,反而使句子顯得累贅、笨拙。 不喜歡這個規則的人一定會非常懷念前英國首相,也是1953年諾貝爾文學獎得主的邱吉爾的一句話:"That is nonsense up with which I shall not put." [那 (指上述規則) 是我無法忍受的胡說八道]。 |
對英語為第二語言的學生而言,介系詞用法的錯綜複雜讓許多人一個頭兩個大。例如,我們說 "we are at the hospital to visit a friend who is inthe hospital. We lie in bed but on the couch. We watch a film at the movies but on television."。本頁將包含一些有趣但有時麻煩的介系詞,並有簡要的用法說明。若要解決慣用語中介系詞的所有潛在問題,可能需要好幾本專書,因此英語學習者能夠精通介系詞用法的唯一方法是不斷的練習及密切注意慣用語。手邊隨時準備一本好字典是重要的第一步。
時間介系詞 (Prepositions of Time): at,on,和 in
我們使用 at 來指定特定的時間:
我們使用 on 來指定日期:
我們使用 in 來指定一天、一月、一季或一年中非特定的時間:
地方介系詞(Prepositions of Place): at,on,和 in
我們使用 at 來指定特定的地址:
我們使用 on 來指定街道等名稱:
我們使用 in 來指定陸地區域 (鄉鎮、縣市、州省、國家和洲):
位置介系詞(Prepositions of Location): in,at,on 及零介系詞
In | At | On | 零介系詞 |
(the) bed* the bedroom the car (the) class* the library* school* | class* home the library* the office school* work | the bed* the ceiling the floor the horse the plane the train | downstairs downtown inside outside upstairs uptown |
* 對這些位置,你有時可以使用不同的介系詞。 |
行動介系詞(Prepositions of Movement): to 及零介系詞
我們使用 to 來表示朝向某個地方的動作:
對於 home, downtown, uptown, inside, outside, downstairs, upstairs 等字,我們不用介系詞:
時間介系詞: for 和 since
我們使用 for 來度量時間 (秒鐘、分鐘、小時、天數、月和年):
對於特定的日期或時間,我們使用 since:
名詞與介系詞 | ||
approval of awareness of belief in concern for confusion about desire for | fondness for grasp of hatred of hope for interest in love of | need for participation in reason for respect for success in understanding of |
形容詞與介系詞 | ||
afraid of angry at aware of capable of careless about familiar with | fond of happy about interested in jealous of made of married to | proud of similar to sorry for sure of tired of worried about |
動詞與介系詞 | ||
apologize for ask about ask for belong to bring up care for find out | give up grow up look for look forward to look up make up pay for | prepare for study for talk about think about trust in work for worry about |
動詞與介系詞的結合被稱為片語動詞 (phrasal verb),而與動詞結合的介系詞則被稱為質詞 (particle)。請參考我們對片語動詞所做的解釋。
(按這裡一下看看我們對平行結構所做的定義和討論。)當兩個字或兩個片語採用平行結構且需要相同的介系詞才合乎慣用語的用法 (亦即才是正確的慣用語) 時,這個介系詞不必使用兩次:
You can wear that outfit in summer and
The female was both attractedbyand distracted by the male's dance.
The children were interested in and disgusted by the movie.
It was clear that this player could both contribute to and learn from every game he played.
He was fascinated by and enamored of this beguiling woman.