分類:單 字片語
2010/04/28 23:04
be 1
/ bɪ; bɪ; strong form a¼oe¯»a¼ǒ biː; bi/ v =>Usage at be2 用法見be2.
(used after there and before a/an, no, some, etc+ n 用於there之後及a/an﹑ no﹑ some等+名詞之前) (a) exist; occur; live 有; 存在; 生存: Is there a God? 有 上帝嗎? * For there to be life there must be air and water. 一定要有空氣和水才有生命. * There are no easy answers. 現成的答案是沒有的. * There are many such people. 這樣的人多的是. * Once upon a time there was a princess. 從前有一個公主. * There have been cows in that field since my grandfather's time. 從我祖父那時候起, 那片地上就養著牛. (b) be present; stand 在; 在場: There's a bus-stop down the road 路 的前方有一個公共汽車站. (Cf 參看 The bus-stop is down the road.) There were no books on the shelf. 書架上沒有書. * There are some good photographs in this exhibition. 這一展覽會上有些好照片.
(with an adv or a prepositional phrase indicating position in space or time 與表示地點或時間的副詞或介詞短語連用) (a) be situated 位於; 處於: The lamp is on the table. 燈在桌子上. * The stable is a mile away. 馬房距此一英里遠. * Mary's upstairs. 瑪麗在樓上. * John's out in the garden. 約翰在外面花園裡. * They are on holiday in the Lake District. 他們在英格蘭湖區度假. (b) happen; occur; take place 發生; 產生; 舉行: The party is after work. 聚會在下班後舉行. * The election was on Monday. 選舉是在星期一進行的. * The concert will be in the school hall. 音樂會將在 學校的禮堂內舉行. * The meetings are on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the main hall. 會議在星期二和星期四於大禮堂舉行. (c) remain 停留; 逗留; 待: She has been in her room for hours. 她在自己的房間裡待了幾個小時. * They're here till Christmas. 他們在這裡要一直逗留到聖誕節. (d) attend; be present 出席; 到場: Were you at church yesterday? 昨天你去過教堂嗎? * I'll be at the party. 我參加這個聚會.
(with an adv or a prepositional phrase indicating direction, a starting point, etc 與副詞或介詞短語連用表示方向﹑ 起點等) leave; arrive 離開; 到達: I'll be on my way very soon. 我很快就要上路. * She's from Italy, ie Her native country is Italy. 她是意大利人(她的原籍是意大利).
(usu with an adv or a prepositional phrase indicating destination; in the perfect tenses only 通常與副詞或介詞短語連用表示目的; 僅用於完成時態) visit or call 到某地; 訪問; 拜訪: I've never been to Spain. 我從未到過西班牙. * She had been abroad many times. 她多次出國. * Has the plumber been (ie called) yet? 管子工來過了嗎?
[La, Ln] (indicating a quality or a state 表示性質或狀況): Life is unfair. 生活就是不公平的. * The world is round. 地球是圓的. * He is ten years old. 他十歲了. * I am of average height. 我中等身材. * Be quick! 趕快! * She's a great beauty. 她是個大美人. * `How are you?' `I'm quite well, thanks.' 『你好嗎?』『很好, 謝謝.』
[La, Ln] (in exclamations 用於感歎句): Were `they surprised to see us! 他們哪裡想到會見到我們! * Aren't you a great cook! 你做的菜真好吃! * Wasn't that a good film! 那部影片真棒!
[Ln] (indicating the name, profession, pastime, etc of the subject 表示所談論的話題的名稱﹑ 職業﹑ 消遣等): Today is Monday. 今天星期一. * You are the man I want. 你是我需要的人. * `Who is that?' `It's the postman.' 『那是什麼人?』『是郵 遞員.』 * Susan is a doctor. 蘇姍是醫生. * Peter is a keen footballer in his spare time. 彼 得在業餘時間裡很喜歡踢足球. * He wants to be (ie become) a fireman when he grows up. 他 希望長大以後當(成為)消防隊員.
[Ln] (indicating possession, actual or intended 表示實際所有或意欲得到): The money's not yours, it's John's, ie It belongs to John and not to you. 這筆錢不是你的, 是約翰的. * This parcel is for you. 這個包裹是給你的.
[Ln] (showing equivalence in value, number, etc 表示價值﹑ 數目等相等) (a) cost 價值; 花費: `How much is that dress?' `It's 50.' 『那件連衣裙多少錢?』『50英鎊.』 (b) amount to; equal 合計; 等於: Twice two is four. 二 二得四. * Three and three is six. 三加三等於 六. * Four threes are twelve. 四乘三等於十 二. (c) constitute 組成: London is not England, ie Don't think that all of England is like London. 倫敦並不等於英國(勿以為整個英格蘭都像倫敦一樣). (d) represent 代表: Let x be the sum of a and b. 設x為a與b之和. (e) mean; signify 意味; 表示: It is nothing to me. 這 對我來說不算什麼. * A thousand pounds is nothing to a rich man. 一千鎊對富翁來說算不上什麼.
(idm 習語) the ,be-all and `end-all (of sth) (infml 口) the most important part; all that matters 最重要的部分; 最要緊的事: Her boy-friend is the be-all and end-all of her existence. 她的男朋友就是她生活中最重要的內容. (he, etc has) been and `done sth (infml 口) (expressing protest and surprise 表示抗議和驚奇): Someone's been (and gone) and eaten my porridge! 有人來過(又走了), 竟把我的麥片粥給喝了! be one`self act naturally 自然地行事: Don't try to act sophisticated just be yourself. 不 要裝得老成持重--你是怎麼樣就怎麼樣. ,be that as it `may despite that; nevertheless 不顧; 儘管: I accept that he's old and frail; be that as it may, he's still a good politician. 我承認 他年老體衰, 然而儘管如此, 他仍是優秀的政治家. it is/was as if.../as though... it seems/seemed that... 似乎...; 好像...: It's as if he never listens to a word I say. 我說的話似乎他從來都不聽. ...that was sb used to be called 如人們過去對某人常用的稱呼: Miss Brown that was, ie before her marriage. 布朗小姐, 即她婚前的稱呼. -to-`be (in compounds 用以構成復合詞) future 未來; 將來: his ,bride-to-`be, ie his future bride * ,mothers-to-`be, ie pregnant women. (For other idioms containing be, see entries for ns, adjs, etc 與be搭 配的其他習語見有關名詞﹑ 形容詞等的詞條, 如 be the death of sb =>death.)
be 2
/ bɪ; bɪ; strong form a¼oe¯»a¼ǒ biː; bi/ aux v =>Usage 見所附用法
(used with a past participle to form the passive 與過去分詞連用構成被動語態): He was killed in the war. 他 陣亡了. * Where were they made? 這些東西是在哪 裡製造的? * The thief was caught. 竊賊被捉住了. * The house is/was being built. 那房屋 正在[那時正在]建 造. * You will be severely punished if you do not obey. 你不服從, 就會受到嚴懲.
(used with present participles to form continuous tenses 與現在分詞連用構成進行時態): They are/were reading. 他 們正在[那時正在]閱 讀. * I am studying Chinese. 我正在學習漢語. * I shall be seeing him soon. 我不久就會 見到他了. * What have you been doing this week? 你 這星期以來在幹什麼? * I'm always being criticized. 我 總是挨批.
(with to + infinitive 與to+不定式連用) (a) (expressing duty, necessity, etc 表示責任﹑ 需要等): I am to (ie I have been told to) inform you that... 我有義務(我受人之托)通知你... * You are to report (ie must, should report) to the police. 你應該報警. (b) (expressing arrangement, intention or purpose 表示安排﹑ 意向或目的): They are to be married, ie will be married. 他們打算結婚. * Each participant was to pay his own expenses. 每個參加者都必須自費. * The telegram was to say that she'd be late. 電報說她可能晚到. (c) (expressing possibility 表示可能性): The book was not to be (ie could not be) found. 那本書找不到了. (d) (expressing destiny 表示注定): He was never to see his wife again, ie Although he did not know it at the time, he did not see her again. 他從那以後就再也見不到他的妻子了. * The celebrations were not to be, ie They did not, in fact, take place. 慶祝活動結果未能舉行. (e) (only in the form were, expressing supposition 僅用were這一形式, 表示假設): If I were to tell you/Were I to tell you that I killed him, would you believe me? 假 如我對你說是我殺死了他, 你相信嗎? * If it were to rain, we would have to cancel the match tomorrow. 假如下雨, 我們只好取消明天的比賽.
NOTE ON USAGE 用法: Be is used as a main verb (be1) and as an auxiliary verb (be2). *be可用作主要動詞 (be1), (be2). The various written and spoken forms are the same for both verbs 兩者的各種書面語和口語形式均相同: am (pres t with I) / əm, m;m/, strong form / m; am/; written contraction I'm / aɪm; aɪm/; negative question aren't I? / ˈɑːntaɪ; US ˈɑːrəntaɪ; ɑrnt aɪ/. *am (現在時態與 I / əm, m; m/, 強讀式/m; Am/; 書寫縮約式 I'm / aɪm; aɪm/; 否定疑問式 aren't I? / ˈɑːntaɪ; c¾oa¼ǒ ˈɑːrəntaɪ; ɑrnt aɪ/. *is (pres t with he, she, it) / s, z; s, z/, strong form / ɪz; ɪz/; written contractions it's / ɪts; ɪts/, Jack's / dʒks; dʒaks/, he's/hi:z, hIz; hIz/, she's / ʃiːz, ʃɪz; ʃɪz/, the cow's / eə kauz; eəˋkaʊz/; negative isn't / ˈɪznt; ˋɪznt/. *is(現在時態與hesheit連用)/s, z; s, z/, 強讀式 / ɪz; ɪz/; 書寫縮約式it's / ɪts; ɪts/, Jack's / dʒks; dʒaks/, he's / hiːz, hɪz; hɪz/,she's / ʃiːz, ʃɪz; ʃɪz/, the cow's / eə kauz; eə ˋkaʊz/; 否定式 isn't / ˈɪznt; ˋɪznt/. *are (pres t with you, we, they)/E(r); L/ , strong form / ɑː(r); ɑr/; written contractions we're / wɪə(r); wɪr/, you're / juə(r), jɔː(r); jʊr/, they're/TeE(r); Ter/; negative aren't / ɑːnt; US ˈɑːrənt; ɑrnt/. *are(現 在時態與youwethey連用)/E(r); L/ , a¼oe¯»a¼ǒ/ ɑː(r); ɑr/; 書寫縮約式 we're / wɪə(r); wɪr/, you're/jUE(r), jR:(r); jJr/, they're / eeə(r); eer/; 否定式 aren't / ɑːnt; c¾oa¼ǒ ˈɑːrənt; ɑrnt/. *was (pt with I, he, she, it)/wEz; wEz/, strong form / wɔz; US wʌz; wʌz/; negative wasn't / ˈwɔznt; US ˈwʌznt; ˋwʌznt/. *was (過 去時態與Ihesheit連用)/wEz; wEz/, 強讀式 / wɔz; c¾oa¼ǒ wʌz; wʌz/; 否定式 wasn't / ˈwɔznt; c¾oa¼ǒ ˈwʌznt; ˋwʌznt/.*were (pt with you, we, they) / wə(r); wɚ/, strong form/w\:(r); w[/; negative weren't / wɜːnt; US ˈwɜːrənt; wənt/.*were (過去時態與 you we they連 用)/wE(r); wL/, 強讀式 / wɜː(r); wə/; 否定式 weren't / wɜːnt; c¾oa¼ǒˈwɜːrənt; wənt/. *being (pres p) / ˈbiːɪŋ; ˋbiɪŋ/. *being / ˈbiːɪŋ; ˋbiɪŋ/. *been (pp) / biːn; US also bɪn; bɪn/. *been(過去分詞)/bi:n; 美式 bIn; bIn/.