There 跟Have的差異
"Have" 是「有」的意思。但這個「有」,是擁有的「有」。
"There is" 也是「有」的意思。但這個「有」,是存在的「有」。
在 "There is" 的結構中,"There" 是引導詞 Introductory Word,
I have a dictionary.
You have two sisters.
He has three dogs.
*"have / has"是完意及物動詞,解作擁有的「有」。
A book is on the desk.﹝一本書在書桌上。﹞
There is a book on the desk.﹝有一本書在書桌上。﹞
*"There is"是存在的「有」。"There"是引導詞,加強語氣。
轉為疑問句:Is there a book on the desk?
A girl is in the room.
There is a girl in the room.
There is a cow there.﹝有一頭牛在那裏。﹞
* 第一個"There"是引導詞,第二個"there"是副詞。
轉為疑問句:Is there a cow there?
There is a horse. ﹝錯了!"There"只是引導詞,不是主語。﹞
A horse is there. ﹝略對﹞
There is a horse there.﹝正確﹞
How many persons are there in the room?﹝有多少人在房內?﹞
* "How"是疑問副詞。
There are ten persons in the room.
There are friends and friends.
The school has three thousand students.
There are three thousand students in the school.﹝正確