consequence (牛津字典詳解)
/ ˈkɔnsɪkwəns; US -kwens; ˋkɑnsəˏkwɛns/ n
[C usu pl 通常作複數] thing that is a result or an effect of sth else 結果; 後果; 影響:
Her investment had disastrous consequences: she lost everything she owned.
她的投資結果很慘, 血本無歸.
* be ready to take/suffer/bear the consequences of one's actions, ie accept the bad things which happen as a result 準備承擔自己行動的後果 * recent developments which could have far-reaching consequences for the country's economy 最近的事態變化, 能夠對國家的經濟產生深遠影響.
[U] (fml 文) importance 重要性: It is of no consequence. 這 無關緊要. * He may be a man of consequence (ie an important man or man of high rank) in his own country, but he's nobody here. 他在自己的國家中儘管舉足輕重, 但在此地卻毫不顯眼.

(idm 習語) in consequence (of sth) (infml 口) as a result (of sth) 由於(某事物)的緣故; 因而: She was found guilty, and lost her job in consequence (of it). 她被判有罪, 因而失去了工作.