1. 春節 The Spring Festival
2. 農曆 lunar calendar
3. 農曆春節假期Chinese New Year Festivities
4. 除夕夜Chinese New Year’s Eve
5. 年夜飯New Year's Eve Dinner
6. 發糕 Leavened cake
7. 長年菜 Long new year's dish
8. 拜年New Year Greetings.
9. 年獸The Chinese 'Nian' beast.
10. 壓歲錢New Year's Money
11. 年終獎金year-end bonus
12. 香incense
13. 剪紙 paper-cuts
14. 年畫 New Year paintings
15. 燒香burn an incense stick
16. 燒香拜佛burn incense and pray
17. 春聯Red Couplets
18. 舞龍舞獅:The Dragon and Lion Dance
19. 放鞭炮:set off firecrackers
20. 年糕:rice cake
21. 餃子 Jiao-zi(Chinese meat ravioli)
22. 湯圓 Tang-yuan
23. 八寶飯 eight treasures rice pudding
24. 糖果盤 candy tray
25. 買年貨 do Spring Festival shopping
26. 娘家 natal home
27. 敬酒 propose a toast
28. 燈籠 lantern: a portable light
29. 煙花 fireworks
30. 爆竹 firecrackers