

1.      appear

As soon as the shower passed, a rainbow appeared in the sky.


He appears to be unhappy these days.似乎

2.    book

Put those books on the shelf.

Our hotel is fully booked.預訂

3.    bright

Always look at the bright side.明亮

She is a bright girl.聰明

4.    change

I need to change my diet.改變

Here is your change, $2.07 零錢

5.    class

The class are reading aloud. 學生

I always take a yoga class after work. 課程

6. company

ACME is a family-own company.公司

She is always my company when I need her. 同伴

7.    check

All passengers need to check their luggage.檢查

I’d like to pay my tuition by check.支票

8.    date

What is the date today? 日期

She is my date.約會(的對象)

9.    fix

A repairman is fixing the light. 修理

My mother has already fixed the dinner. 準備

10.    fair

The trade fair is well-attended.展覽會

It is fair today. There is not a cloud in the sky. 晴朗

11. left

At last, we left without saying goodbye.離開

If you turn to the left, you will find our house. 左邊

12.    lie

Don’t tell a lie. 說謊

Lie on the back. 平躺

13.    light

The tennis racket is light.

Turn on the light. It’s dark inside.

14.    match

Never play with a match. 火柴

The tennis match took place yesterday. 比賽

15.    mean

I didn’t mean it.意思

The dog is so mean.凶惡

16.    note

I lost my notes from the meeting. 會議記錄

This is a ten-pond note. 紙鈔

17.    train

The swimmers are in training.訓練

The train is coming up quickly.火車

18.    plant

The gardener is planting flowers in the garden.種植

The company has some plants overseas.工廠

19.    rest

I am exhausted. I need some rest. 休息

Are you sure he is the man that you want to live for the rest of your life?剩餘的

20.  address

Give his your address. 地址

She is addressing the group. 演說

21.    meet

We meet every weekend. 遇見

They are running in the meet.運動會

22.  minute

Wait a minute.分鐘

I need the meeting minute.會議記錄

23. fine

My parents are fine. 很好

The fine will be imposed soon. 罰款

23.  kind

It’s very kind of you to say that. 仁慈

What kind of movies do you like? 種類

24.  plain

I want to order a plain pizza. 普通的

Beyond the plain is a high hill. 平原

25.  fall

Do not fall off the bike. 掉落

I like the weather in fall. 秋天
    創作者 牡麗三郎 的頭像


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