a ___________ of chewing gum一包口香糖
a ___________ of ice cream 一盒冰淇淋
a ___________of butter 一條奶油
a ___________ of bread 一條麵包
a ___________ of milk 一加崙牛奶
a ___________of corn 一根玉米
a ___________of lettuce 一顆生菜
a ___________of cookies 一盒餅乾
a ___________of bananas 一串香蕉
a ___________of ketchup 一瓶蕃茄醬
a ___________of soup 一罐湯
a ___________of yogurt 一盒優格
a ___________of peanut butter 一罐花生醬
a ___________of flour 一袋麵粉
a pack of chewing gum一包口香糖
a pint of ice cream 一盒冰淇淋
a stick of butter 一條奶油
a loaf of bread 一條麵包
a gallon of milk 一加崙牛奶
a ear of corn 一根玉米
a head of lettuce 一顆生菜
a box of cookies 一盒餅乾
a bunch of bananas 一串香蕉
a bottle of ketchup 一瓶蕃茄醬
a can of soup 一罐湯
a container of yogurt 一盒優格
a jar of peanut butter 一罐花生醬
a bag of flour 一袋麵粉