worth / worthy / worthwhile 詳解 (牛津字典)

2011/08/09 23:28
/ wɜːθ; wəθ/ adj [pred 作表語]
having a certain value 有某種價值: Our house is worth about 60000. 我們的房子約值60000英鎊. * I paid only 3000 for this used car but it's worth a lot more. 我只花了3000英鎊就買下了這輛舊汽車, 其價值遠不止這些. * What's the old man worth? ie What is the value of his possessions? 這個老先生的財產值多少錢? * This contract isn't worth the paper it's written on, ie It is worthless. 這份合同的價值還比不上寫合同的這張紙呢.
(sometimes followed by the -ing form of a v 有時後接動詞的-ing形式) giving or likely to give a satisfactory or rewarding return for (doing sth) 值得(做某事); 有(做某事)的價值: The book is worth reading/It's worth reading the book. 這本書值得一讀. * He felt that his life was no longer worth living. 他覺得他的生命已經沒有再活下去的價值了. * It's an idea that's worth considering. 這是個值得考慮的意見. * It's such a small point that it's hardly worth troubling about. 這個問題很小, 不值得研究. * It's not worth the effort/the trouble. 不值得費那個事. * The scheme is well worth a try. 這個計畫倒值得一試.
(idm 習語) a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush => bird. for ,all one is `worth (infml 口) with all one's energy and effort 竭盡全力: The thief ran off down the road, so I chased him for all I was worth. 那個賊順著馬路逃跑, 我就拚命緊追不捨. for ,what it's `worth however much or little importance or value sth has 無論某事物價值如何: And that's my opinion, for what it's worth. 這就是我的意見, 也別管有用沒用吧. the game is not worth the candle => game1. not worth a `damn, a `straw, a `red cent, a tinker's `cuss, etc (infml 口) worthless 毫無價值: Their promises are not worth a damn. 他們的承諾分文不值. `worth it certain or very likely to repay the money, effort or time given 很值得: The new car cost a lot of money, but it's certainly worth it. 買這輛新汽車花了很多錢, 但確實物有所值.* I don't bother to iron handkerchiefs it's not worth it. 我可不費那個事去熨手絹兒--犯不上. ,worth one's `salt deserving what one earns; doing one's job competently 值得僱用; 稱職: Any teacher worth his salt knows that. 只要不是混飯吃的教師, 都明白這一點. ,worth one's/its ,weight in `gold extremely helpful, useful, etc; invaluable 非常有用的; 無價的: A reliable car is worth its weight in gold. 靠得住的汽車就是無價之寶. ,worth sb's `while profitable or interesting to sb對某人有利益或有好處: It would be (well) worth your while/You would find it (well) worth your while to come to the meeting. 你要是參加了這個會議就會覺得很有好處. * They promised to make it worth her while (ie pay or reward her) if she would take part. 他們許諾說她要是參加就一定給她報酬.
> worth n [U]
1 ~ of sth (preceeded by a n indicating amount, duration, etc 用於表示數量﹑ 持續時間等的名詞之後) (a) amount of sth that a specified sum of money will buy (某物的)值某金額的量: The thieves stole 1 million worth of jewellery. 竊賊偷走了價值100萬英鎊的珠寶. * ten pounds' worth of petrol 十英鎊的汽油. (b) amount of sth that will last for a specified length of time (某物的)能持續某段時間的量: a day's worth of fuel 能用一天的燃料 * two weeks' worth of supplies 能維持兩個星期的供應品.
2 value or usefulness 價值; 用處: items of great, little, not much, etc worth 很有﹑ 簡直沒有﹑ 沒什麼...用處的物件 * people of worth in the community 社區裡的重要人物. worthless adj 1 having no value or usefulness 無價值的; 沒用的: worthless old rubbish 沒用的破爛貨 * This contract is now worthless. 這份合同現在毫無價值了. 2 (of a person) having bad qualities (指人)品質壞的: a worthless character 品質壞的人. worthlessness n [U].
# worthwhile / wɜːθˈwaɪl; ˏwəθˋwaɪl/ adj important, interesting or rewarding enough to justify the time, money or effort that is spent 值得的; 值得花時間﹑ 錢或精力的: It's worthwhile taking the trouble to explain a job fully to new employees. 給新僱員詳細解釋一下工作要求, 費點事也是值得的. * Nursing is a very worthwhile career. 護理工作是很值得幹的職業.

/ ˈwɜːeɪ; ˋwəeɪ/ adj (-ier, -iest)
[pred 作表語] ~ of sth/to do sth deserving sth or to do sth 應得某事物; 值得做某事: Their efforts are worthy of your support.他們這樣努力應得到你的支持. * a statement worthy of contempt 應該鄙棄的說法 * Her achievements are worthy of the highest praise. 她的成就值得給予最高讚賞. * She said she was not worthy to accept the honour they had offered her. 她說她不配接受他們給予的榮譽.
[usu attrib 通常作定語] (a) (approv 褒) deserving respect or consideration 值得尊敬的; 值得考慮的: a worthy cause 崇高的事業 * a worthy record of achievements 以往的突出的成就. (b) (usu joc 通常作戲謔語) (esp of a person) deserving respect or recognition (尤指人)應受到尊敬或賞識的: the worthy citizens of the town 該鎮中應受敬重的市民.
[pred 作表語] ~ of sb/sth (usu approv 通常作褒義) (a) suitable for sth 適合於某事物: It was difficult to find words worthy of the occasion. 很難找到適合於那種場合的言詞. (b) typical of sb/sth 某人[某事物]的典型: It was a performance worthy of a master. 那是大師的典型表演.
> worthily / -ɪlɪ; -ɪlɪ/ adv.
worthiness n [U].
worthy n (esp joc 尤作戲謔語) person of importance or distinction 要人; 俊傑: One of the local worthies has been invited to the ceremony 本地的一個大人物已被邀請參加典禮.
-worthy (forming compound adjs 用以構成復合形容詞) deserving of or suitable for the thing specified 值得...的; 應...的; 適於...的: noteworthy * roadworthy.
source: Oxford dict.
worthwhile  ['wə:θ'wail]  
adj. 值得(做)的
Thank you for making my visit so worthwhile. I shall treasure your friendship and kind hospitality you have given me.  
That's worthwhile.  
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